About Us

The Munchies Gang Logo

The Munchies Gang

We are a small family business originating in Perth, who love our Munchies!

The gang consists of a man, a Mother, a toddler and a baby (as of 2021).

With humble beginnings; all four of us jump into our SUV on the weekends, and deliver Bhai Tea Teh Tarik dust as a family, to people in need of Teh Tarik all around Perth.

We delivered from Alkimos, to Southern River and everywhere in-between. We are now able to ship to people all around Australia and are gradually expanding the business to start selling a variety of Munchies, Tea, Coffee dust, personalised mugs, and bottles.

We aim to supply to Australia with the Munchies of Asia, who most people that migrated here have missed dearly. We offer them nostalgia and comfort of their home countries by bringing it here.

Our Team Member

The Munchies Gang History

We’ve put a lot of thought in giving you the best possible experience with our services,
We will make the effort to meet your special requests for gifting, delivery or designs.
We will try bring you the munchies you miss or crave.
We take careful consideration on only serving you the best products after testing it ourselves.
We will explore the fastest and cheapest possible way to get your products to you.
We make video tutorials on how to best enjoy your Munchies, after trial and error


Delivery Kilometres


Smiling Customers


Number of Staff


Cups of Teh Tarik Served
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